Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Who is hit the hardest in these distressing times? It is the poor. The poor who face losing their homes even in the best of times, who struggle to put food on the table, get and keep a job, and pay the bills that keep them and their families warm. They struggle everyday through depression because of their situations, and they are looked down on because they work minimum wage jobs. But who would do these jobs if they didn't? I think there should be a national poor day. Let me explain: A day where if you are poor you get 100 dollar shopping spree in any national/name brand store you go to. Only once per year, per store, per family or individual. How would you know who is poor and who is not? That's the easy part. Anyone with a food stamp card, medicaid card, or SSI check stub, or proof from any assistance program, with their name on it, and you check it with their ID's, that is how you know who is poor. Wouldn't that be awesome if people could come together like that for the poor? And celebrate the poor in this way? Poor people are the workers of this nation. They are the ones who grow and kill the food we eat, ring it up at the store, package it at the plant, check for its safety. They fix our cars, install our cable and other entertainment services, they connect our utilities, fix our roofs, fix our plumbing, deliver our newspaper, our mail, develop our pictures, pump our gas. They go without a lot doing the jobs that no one else wants to do. And they go with out a lot of the things that they need not just the things that they want. When you really think about it, where would we be with out them? I don't think one special day a year to show our thanks for their sacrifices is too much to ask. Do you? What are your thoughts? And what do you think a day like this might be called? National Poverty Respect Day? National Monetarily Challenged Day? What do you think?

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